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Workout Wednesday: ABsolutely Exhausted


I’m back! I’m officially back. I took a brief hiatus while we moved from Illinois to California and I’m finally unpacked and ready to start blogging again. Thank goodness! I missed you guys.

I taught the first Happy Bootcamp Workout last Saturday and had a blast. The women that came were a group of friends I haven’t seen in a long while and it was wonderful to motivate and help them to health. I’ll be teaching the same ladies for the next 3 weeks!

The reason I mention this is because I’ve been struggling with what to share with you all, and what to reserve for paying, bootcamp clients. Then I realized, I definitely can’t put together two great workouts per week and I definitely don’t want to deprive the non-San Diegans the chance to do them too!

So weekly workout posts are here to stay. Bootcamp clients will get the added benefit of working out with friends in the beautiful San Diego sunshine. They will learn to perfect the form of each exercise and will receive the motivation they need to get (or stay) on the track to healthy. I will be a ready source of any kind of exercise or nutrition advice and all the workouts we do together will be posted here for easy access! Even without exclusive workouts, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

Enough of the chatter, on to today’s workout. We did this last Saturday at Bootcamp and man it was an awesome workout. I was sweating and burning just watching them!

20 minute total body 1

I hope you’re having a wonderful Wednesday. Love and a big smile – Ash



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